This species has a passing resemblance to the ever-popular Leopard gecko. They are a little smaller, and are often a little more spirited and less tame than the Leopard gecko. They are a fantastic species to keep, and make a good alternative to Leopard geckos, perhaps for those with a little experience.

They occur throughout Central America in semi-arid regions. They are a crepuscular species, meaning they tend to be active and hunting for food in the evening – perhaps the morning too. They live in burrows and crevices during the day. They eat a wide variety of insects.

In captivity many keepers provide this species with underfloor heating. This method works well enough, apart from the precautionary advice not to use deep layers of substrate over the underfloor heating. This can overheat, causing burns and even fire. Other keepers heat from above, this provides basking heat should the gecko need to bask during the day, and once a flat piece of slate (or similar) is placed under the heater this will heat and provide similar belly heat. UVB is a hotly contended topic, some keepers provide UV, others don’t. If it is used please provide very dark hides to give the geckos an opportunity to escape from the bright lighting. A selection of hide choice is best and a small water bowl.

There is a large availability of commercial livefood, including crickets, locusts, waxworms etc – please ensure all livefood is gutloaded and dusted with minerals and vitamins.

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